I am installing SAS ESP on Ubuntu 16.04, and I am having trouble generating a playbook for the installation using the sas_orchestration cli. I followed the rest of the pre-installation tasks before attempting to create the playbook.
I used the command
./sas-orchestration build --input ./SAS_Viya_deployment_data.zip --architecture x64
and I got the error
Error: IOrchestrationDeploymentDefinitionProvider: Failed to create Orchestration Deployment Definition (ODD): "https://ses.sas.download/ses/sasmd/shipped/depentviya/135/depentviya-135-x64_suse_linux_12-yumsasmd/primary.odd".
Failed to validate "https://ses.sas.download/ses/sasmd/shipped/depentviya/135/depentviya-135-x64_suse_linux_12-yumsasmd/primary.odd".
Failed to validate JSON: "https://ses.sas.download/ses/sasmd/shipped/depentviya/135/depentviya-135-x64_suse_linux_12-yumsasmd/primary.odd".
Failed to find a JSON schema file that matches the version "4.0.0", and the minimum version "4.0.0".
Failed to find a matching JSON schema file in "/com/sas/ct/internal/odd/schema".
The error is followed by JSON text and copies of the error above for different platforms. I am not sure what is causing this as I am new to using this software.