I think this is something to do with the code and not any options or something else. Your SQL query might have syntax error or NOEXEC option is set in PROC SQL.
Remove NOEXEC if present.
proc sql noexec;
select * from sashelp.class
Statements not executed due to NOEXEC option
is a typical consequence of an ERROR that has sent SAS into syntax check mode (the syntax is verified, but nothing is executed).
Read the log from top down and fix ERRORs/WARNINGs one by one.
What is it your trying to achieve here, trying to run a query if errors exists is not a recommended way. Invoke your query based on the condition that fails the query.
for example:
My below query fails to execute if macro variable values is not assigned.
proc sql ;
select * from sashelp.class
where Age=&Age
I can conditionally run this query
%Macro run_Query();
proc sql ;
select * from sashelp.class
where Age=&Age
%macro isBlank();
%IF %sysevalf(%superq(Age)=,boolean) %then %return;
%else %run_Query();
%mend isBlank;
%symdel age/nowarn;
Might be this is what your looking for http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/lrdict/64316/HTML/default/viewer.htm#base-sysop-syntaxch...
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