I am trying to configure shared Snippets in our SAS 9.4 environment. Should be stored/configured on premise.
There are a few notes on configuring repositories and sharing tasks/snippets.
There are similar questions on this board too.
I have configured a new repository in SAS management console, how to make it accessible in SAS studio? I am expecting to see an additional folder next to MySnippets and Snippets. Is there a way just to add snippets to global environment?
is set as true and webdms.globalSettings=!SASRoot/GlobalStudioSetting;
however, the repository created in metada manager has different path MetadataReporsitories/Shared_Snippets .
Does webdms.globalSettings directory should reflect the new path?
Adding the server url in SAS Studio preferences under Task Repositories is not connecting.
and when I try to connect to the following:servername/SASStudio/servername/repository.html for test
got:405 Method Not Allowed.
Is there a good/clear guide on how to share snippets ?
Thank you.