Dear fellow SAS Administrators,
I would like to get your inputs on how to setup UNIX/LINUX environment in order to make SAS admin's life easier.
The followings are a few examples,
1. setup environment variables:
for example,
export SAS94HOME=/opt/sas/sas94
export LEV1=/opt/sas/config/Lev1
2. setup alias for long UNIX/LINUX commands:
for example,
alias lev1="cd /opt/sas/config/Lev1"
alias sasmc="/opt/sas/sas94/SASManagementConsole/9.4/sasmc"
3. others ....
The above are just a few examples, so that you know what I really want to ask in this thread 🙂
I sincerely appreaciate if you could share ideas and best practices on how to setup your environment to make things convenient !
It's even better if you could give some real examples.
Thanks in advance,