Hello @rara please find below the important steps to achieve it:
Step 1: Tortoise SVN configuration on Client machines
Important: Ensure that Tortoise SVN has the command line tools for installation component installed.
tortoise command line tools
Step 2: Create a folder named archive on the following location on your machine:
C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASVersionedJarRepository\eclipse\plugins
Step 3: Then move the following folders inside the one created on step 2:
- sas.dbuilder.versioncontrol.cvsplugin.nls_904600.0.0.20181017190000_v940m6
- sas.dbuilder.versioncontrol.cvsplugin_904600.0.0.20181017190000_v940m6
- sas.dbuilder.versioncontrol.git.nls_904600.2.0.20181031190000_v940m6
- sas.dbuilder.versioncontrol.git_904600.0.0.20181017190000_v940m6
Step 4: Next, configure the connection parameters to the SVN Server in SAS Data Integration Studio (DIS) and test the connection.
SVN Pluging settings
Note: If you get an error, see the log on your machine at:
C: \ Users \ youruser \ AppData \ Roaming \ SAS \ SASDataIntegrationStudio \ 4.904
And that's it. 🙂
I recommend configuring the “Builtin” feature of checking-in / checking-out objects in SAS DI Studio for a full nice expercience on the flow of versioning.