I've been doing some cleaning up of storage space and logs on our SAS servers over the last few days and I've noticed that the SASWIPServices9.4 log is at 10GB. I can't open in notepad/notepad++ or anything, and WordPad also won't allow me to open so I'm wondering does anyone have any suggestions of programs that can open it (ideally without an install).
Also, once I've seen what's causing it to go that high (I'd imagine it's the tons of reboots we've been doing in the last month), I'll need to clean it out, and work out some way to get logs to roll over so it doesn't get that size again. Has anyone else done anything like that here as I'd imagine I can't just delete that log file (or can I and another will appear at 0kb). If anyone has any tips on what they've done with log file management, it'd be great to read.
The info levels look fine, perhaps you would like to switch the last one to warn or error, since the WIPservices is a log that you really look only, in most cases, only if there is an error, you normally trust it.
Also, to be able to clean such files, the best perhaps is to set the Rolling Append-er functionality, to roll the files by a size or date. Then you can clean files without restarting service and also ensure you can always read the log files with default text viewers.
Hello @titan31,
I do not think the log is that big only because of the reboots, but I would say almost for sure you might have some other problems behind (perhaps the reason of the reboots). Or the info level is too low, perhaps you are on debug or trace. You might want to change to its defaults (guess you have a backup of the config file before modifying it).
This documentation will guide you really well during the process, the SAS® 9.4 Intelligence Platform: Middle-Tier Administration Guide, Fourth Edition - Administering Logging for SAS Web Applications:
Look at the index:
In one hand, there are plenty of programs out there top open huge files and plenty of discussions: an example https://stackoverflow.com/questions/159521/text-editor-to-open-big-giant-huge-large-text-files
Thanks for that. We've been rebooting cos of what looks like a McAfee issue on EMD server, just we need to bring down the VA one aswell, so it's unlikely that the size of this log is due to that issue, but want to try clean it up anyway, as don't really like a 10GB file sitting on the server.
Having a look at the LogConfig file, and most are set to Warn, except for com.sas.svcs.springframework and com.sas.svcs.content.relationship.dao.scheduling which are set to Info
The info levels look fine, perhaps you would like to switch the last one to warn or error, since the WIPservices is a log that you really look only, in most cases, only if there is an error, you normally trust it.
Also, to be able to clean such files, the best perhaps is to set the Rolling Append-er functionality, to roll the files by a size or date. Then you can clean files without restarting service and also ensure you can always read the log files with default text viewers.
I'm going to change the file appending for a few of the Log files (WIPServices and SearchService)
The following xml is there for the SearchService one
<appender class="org.apache.log4j.FileAppender" name="SEARCHSAS_LOG_FILE"> <param name="append" value="true"/> <param name="file" value="${config.lev.web.appserver.logs.dir}/SASSearchService.log"/> <layout class="com.sas.svcs.logging.CustomPatternLayout"> <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d [%t] %-5p [%u] %c - %m%n"/> </layout> </appender> <!-- A time/date based rolling appender <appender class="org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender" name="SEARCHSAS_LOG_FILE"> <param name="datePattern" value="'.'yyyy-MM-dd"/> <param name="append" value="true"/> <param name="file" value="${config.lev.web.appserver.logs.dir}/SASSearchService.log"/> <layout class="com.sas.svcs.logging.CustomPatternLayout"> <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d [%t] %-5p [%u] %c - %m%n"/> </layout> </appender>-->
What I'm guessing I do here is uncomment the DailyRollingFileAppender code and comment the FileAppender one, or do I just uncomment the DailyRollingFileAppender and not comment out the other?
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