I am using SASGSUB in MS Windows batch files to submit SAS code to the SAS Grid.
The batch script code for SAS 9.2 is shown below. The customized config file, sasgsub92.cfg, is located in C:\Users\%username%\SASGrid.
The default SAS WORK data library location assigned to a SAS session created by this submit is WORK= C:\Users\%username%\<_TD…..>
What option should be used to change the default SAS WORK data library location (C:\Users\%username%) to another path?
SET RunSAS="C:\Program Files\SAS\SASFoundation\9.2\sasgsub.exe" -gridconfig "C:\Users\%username%\SASGrid\sasgsub92.cfg" -metauser %username%
%RunSAS% -gridsubmitpgm "%mypath%%pgm%" -gridsasopts " -log '%mylog%.log' -print '%mylst%.lst'"