Hi All,
Recently we faced one strange issue that is all of sudden SAS Web applications stopped working. when I check the sas.servers script all services are up and running. When I open the Web URLs getting the following error. "This page can't be displayed. Make sure the web address https:// XXXXX is correct ". We verified all SAS web services logs but didn't find the root cause. We restarted all SAS web service then it worked. But we need to know what is the root cause for this issue.
When we check the WebServer logs under the below path "/opt/sas/config/Lev1/Web/WebServer/logs/error.log" found the below error message.
[error] server is within MinSpareThreads of MaxClients, consider raising the MaxClients setting
[error] [client xxx.xxx.xxx.xx] client denied by server configuration: proxy:balancer://abc..xyz_Cluster1/SASLogon/login
[error] [client xxx.xxx.xxx.xx] client denied by server configuration: proxy:balancer://abc..xyz_Cluster2/SASStudio
[error] [client xxx.xxx.xxx.xx] client denied by server configuration: proxy:balancer://abc..xyz_Cluster12/SASVisualAnalytics
[error] [client xxx.xxx.xxx.xx] client denied by server configuration: proxy:balancer://abc..xyz_Cluster7/SASVisualScenarioDesigner
[error] (502)Unknown error 502: proxy: pass request body failed to 12x.xxx.xxx.xx:9543 (abc..xyz)
[error] [client 12x.xxx.xxx.xx] proxy: Error during SSL Handshake with remote server returned by /SASVisualAnalyticsTransport/onebi/services/getFavorites
[error] (502)Unknown error 502: proxy: pass request body failed to 12x.xxx.xxx.xx:9543 (abc..xyz)
[error] proxy: pass request body failed to 12x.xxx.xxx.xx:9543 (abc..xyz) from 12x.xxx.xxx.xx ()
[error] [client 12x.xxx.xxx.xx] proxy: Error during SSL Handshake with remote server returned by /SASVisualAnalyticsTransport/onebi/services/getUserCapabili
[error] proxy: pass request body failed to 12x.xxx.xxx.xx:9543 (abc..xyz) from 12x.xxx.xxx.xx ()
[error] (502)Unknown error 502: proxy: pass request body failed to 12x.xxx.xxx.xx:8443 (abc..xyz)
[error] [client 12x.xxx.xxx.xx] proxy: Error during SSL Handshake with remote server returned by /SASLogon/v1/tickets
[error] proxy: pass request body failed to 12x.xxx.xxx.xx:8443 (abc..xyz) from 12x.xxx.xxx.xx ()
[notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
It would be great if you provide any thoughts for this issue.
Should it happen again, I would encourage you to open a Tech Support request as there are several potential reasons for the behavior you are describing. Also, I'm assuming this is SAS 9.4 and not the Viya Platform. A couple of other things you could check, assuming 9.4, is that the activemq process is alive and that the gemfire logs don't show "crashed mbrs". Either of those conditions would leave the web applications running but not fully functional. Fortunately, these tend to be fairly rare occurrances. There are other service related conditions that Tech Support should be able to help you track down when it's happening.
Looks to me like too many clients were connected to your SAS WebServer. See this link for full explination: https://serverfault.com/questions/494550/minsparethreads-of-maxclients-consider-raising-the-maxclien...
This would also tell you why restarting the server solved the issues, because all clients get disconnected during shut down.
Thanks for your response, I saw this link earlier. In our case we have around 350 users presented in SAS Metadata. And the MaxClient connections are set to 1024 at server level.
Should it happen again, I would encourage you to open a Tech Support request as there are several potential reasons for the behavior you are describing. Also, I'm assuming this is SAS 9.4 and not the Viya Platform. A couple of other things you could check, assuming 9.4, is that the activemq process is alive and that the gemfire logs don't show "crashed mbrs". Either of those conditions would leave the web applications running but not fully functional. Fortunately, these tend to be fairly rare occurrances. There are other service related conditions that Tech Support should be able to help you track down when it's happening.
Thanks Galen, I am going to open a track with SAS. thanks guys for your inputs.
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