Setting up the SAS_lsm utility on our Linux Redhat deployment of SAS 9.4 M4. We have 3 Metatdata servers, 4 Grid Nodes and 2 Mid Tier servers and we would like to automate these Tiers as much as possible.
We are starting out with just trying to get a status of the Metadata servers but we are getting an error on the Validation of the configuration file when it starts. We installed the package on the meta01 server we have passwordless SSH configured from this server to all servers. we have all the parameters as stock as we can make it and it fails on the validation step as follows:
[sas@lxapp-cp-meta01 tools]$ ./SAS_lsm -s -c multi-tier.cfg
Configuration file validation [multi-tier.cfg] status [begin]
<<ERROR>> TIER[1]: ssh sas@lxapp-cp-meta01 -o 'BatchMode=yes' -o 'ConnectionAttempts=1' true
<<ERROR>> TIER[2]: ssh sas@lxapp-cp-meta02 -o 'BatchMode=yes' -o 'ConnectionAttempts=1' true
<<ERROR>> TIER[3]: ssh sas@lxapp-cp-meta03 -o 'BatchMode=yes' -o 'ConnectionAttempts=1' true
Configuration file validation [multi-tier.cfg] status [end failed - 000]
<<DEPLOYMENT STATUS>> Deployment tier services are in an unknown state
Please see /tmp/multi-tier.cfg/report.status for execution details
Any ideas what might be wrong on the configuration file?