Hi folks,
We have the following configuration: 1 compute server (meta and mid tier installed) + 2 horizontal cluster for mid-tier. All servers are Linux and 9.4M7, we user mostly SAS VA for WebApp.
The plan used to install and configuration was sent by Technical Support. We have the following situation:
If we start compute and web 1 server, everything works fine. SAS VA works perfectly fine. After this verification, if we start web 2 (starting occurs fine without any error), when we tried to open SAS VA, a 404 error message appears. The only solution is stop web 2.
But if we start compute node and web 2 server, everything works fine too. SAS VA works perfectly fine. After this verification, if we start web 1 (starting occurs fine without any error), when we tried to open SAS VA, a 404 error message appears. In this case, the only solution is stop web 1.
Any idea why we can have only one of the web node started?