Hi All,
Can anyone please help in installing SAS Viya on Linux Server.
Need guidance in inventory.ini and vars.yml in deployment.
Facing an error for command ansible-playbook system-assesment.yml
ERROR: deployTarget failed
Make sure the passwordless SSH has been configured between all machines in your deployment.
@alexal Hi,
I am doing deployment on a single server itself. And mentioned deployTarget ansible_connection=local in inventory.ini file.
Thanks for your response. I would like to review output from a command shown below:
ansible-playbook system-assesment.yml -vvv
Thanks, please run these commands and show me the output:
ls -ld /tmp
mount | grep tmp
ansible all -m shell -a "id"
I'm sorry, I forgot to mention that you have to run this command from your playbook directory:
ansible all -m shell -a "id"
Also, show me the output from "mount" command without any options.
Actually, I would like to ask, are you sure that ssh-keyscan is installed on that machine?
Yes, the ssh-key scan is installed.
I would like to ask if I have changed the default port number ''22'' to another number, is it possible it can be the issue?
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