have situaltion where it seems users cannot be processed as something went wrong and somehow too many job started by one specific userid. so when we run a job it simply says your job is being submitted, please wait. We cannot run job via any desktop app (EG), webapp or through command line. EG saying an error occured executing the workspace job - timeout during initialization.
what can be done here? Would restart all sas service help? Thank you -
Check your job slots to see if the limit for the queue has been filled up.
Do you use RTM to admin services and queues or just a terminal with LSF commands?
If command line then you can issue "bhosts" command when logged in as LSF admin account to see current settings like "max slots per host" and the number of jobs current running on each host.
You might need to do an "lsadmin reconfig" after you make the change
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