I am trying to setup SAS Environment manager in SAS VA. I have done the initial configuration in agent.properties, sas.properties etc..
But when i try to start it for 'first' time. I am getting the below error-.
[sas@xxxxx conf]$ ../bin/hq-agent.sh start
Starting HQ Agent...... running (2794).
[ Running agent setup ]
Should Agent communications to HQ be unidirectional [default=no]: yes
What is the HQ server IP address: xxxxxxx
Should Agent communications to HQ always be secure [default=yes]: Yes
What is the HQ server SSL port [default=7443]: 7443
- Testing secure connection ... Success
What is your HQ login [default=hqadmin]: sasevs@saspw
What is your HQ password: **Not echoing value**
Error validating user: org.hyperic.hq.bizapp.client.AgentCallbackClientException: Remote error while invoking 'userIsValid: org.hyperic.lather.LatherRemoteException: org.springframework.transaction.UnexpectedRollbackException: Transaction rolled back because it has been marked as rollback-only
What may be the reason. Could anyone help me out with this issue. I am stuck for a week now. 😞 😞
Thanks in advance.
Hello @suraj4,
sorry we could not help you there. In other hand, I would like to follow up with you. Did you have the chance to contact SAS Technical Support and solve the problem?
I would like to hear from you.
Thank you in advance,
Kind regards,
Hello @suraj4,
Did you manage to solve this issue?
I encounter the same problem and I can't find a way to make it works
Hello Juan,
Thanks for your answer
I can't find any post configuration steps in the Instruction.html in Lev1/Document.
Hello @FabriceP,
you sure there is nothing for SAS Environment Manager and or Environment Manager Agent? What version of SAS VA or what maintenance level of SAS 9.4 do you have?
Hi Suraj,
I have got the same error while trying to start environment manager agent. Were you able to fix it?
I have the same issue.
Can someone please let me know the resolution.
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