Hello Andrea,
many thanks for the information, although I am aware so far about that. Hopefully it can be useful for other users.
I am looking for something a bit more specific on the available options, as examples or how to find/set up the monitoring for LASR servers, and the available metrics (tables loaded, total RAM, what is on memory and what is cached, and others) when setting those monitors.
Any experience or knowledge about it?
PS. Not much information about the CAS monitoring tools in the brochure you attached for SAS Viya.
I am always keeping an eye on the documentation that is released on http://support.sas.com/documentation/onlinedoc/viya/
Actually, there is actually promisingly good information about CAS monitoring on the administration side http://documentation.sas.com/#!/?cdcId=calcdc&cdcVersion=3.1&docsetId=calmonitoring&docsetTarget=n0p...