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Quartz | Level 8

I install SAS in win 2012 then I start configuration when the configuration in steps 13 (load content ) the Server suddenly shut down. now the ECM and other links are working but I can not sure that every thanks ok. because the configuration does not complete so please advise if there any solution to complete the configuration or must be reconfiguration from the beginning. 


I'm assuming  the server shutdown did not happen in a 'graceful' fashion but in the middle of a step.


If this is the case then I don't think you have much choice but to start again from the beginning.

Rhodochrosite | Level 12

This is potentially a complicted issue that may be hard to fix. You rightfully worry about the potential damage to your deployment eventhough it is not obvious at the moment. It may bite you at some point in the future. Murphy knows no mercy. Best approach in terms of risk management is to start over.


If yu want a more surgical approach then a good place to start your assesment is by inspecting the log files of the deployment wizard and the installation logs themselves. The first are in your personal C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\SAS\SASDeploymentWizard directory. The latter are in <SASHome>\InstallMisc\InstallLogs.


The deployment process is divided in two phases: install and configure. As the install was completed a reconfigure would be sufficient. From what you describe I would personally not take the chance and do at least that in any case. Erase the existing config using the deployment wizard. If that fails you know enough: redo the whole damn process.


Also a question to be answered: why did the server shutdown in the first place? You do not want that to happen again.


Hope this helps,

- Jan.

Super User

An unexepected shutdown of a server is a serious event that should not stay unresolved.

Delete the config and repeat the step, as others already suggested.

If it happens again, contact SAS TS. And also MS support (or your local MSCE); application problems should NEVER cause a server to crash itself, but, yeah, this is Windows, after all.

Quartz | Level 8

Thanks alot for all, I will starting configure SAS again.

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