Hi All,
If client has a multi-tier sas 9 environment,
on which tier we should run sas 9 content assessment?
Shivraj Pawar
I have already gone through the document but could'nt find anything regarding where to run the content assessment when its multi tier environment.
The simplest answer is to run it on every tier. Try it and you will aware the difference of the output
The documentation mentions this here: https://documentation.sas.com/doc/en/sasadmincdc/v_049/contentassessment/p0ksl02d8an6whn161p458n4b2c...
You can find some additional info in this blog: https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Communities-Library/System-Evaluation-Tool-Helps-with-SAS-9-4-Upg...
Thanks for your valuable inputs. I have gone thorugh the document, it says that we need to run system eveluation on each tier. can you please explain what about the other application of content assessment where to run, either on all tier or we can run it on Compute only.
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