Hi. It looks to me like there is some metadata missing for this product:
[propertyfile] Updating property file: /sas/install/config/Lev3/Logs/Configure/svrbakupevm_config_status.properties
Property "svrbakupevm.deploymentbackupevm.app.fqid" has not been set
[echo] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
[echo] |Update Application Metadata loading /tmp/_setup44/SASDeploymentBackupGUIApplication.xml
Property "svrbakupevm.deploymentbackupevm.app.fqid" has not been set
[echo] | applicationfqid: ${svrbakupevm.deploymentbackupevm.app.fqid}
I would suggest you open a track with SAS Technical Support as the reason this might be missing is likely very unique to something that happened in the past at your site and not easily debugged through the community.