For migrations (life cycle management) sas has documented: Peaceful Coexistence: SAS 9 and SAS 8.2
Earlier releases of SAS 9 did register the installed shared components in the Windows register. That can be problem causing mix-ups of releases. Knowing that you can circumvent that..
As you have already 9.3 on your machine and wanting to add 9.4 that is a migration question. It is in the Windows registry where that info is kept.
The trick of mark is adding that new location as an option to the installer.
It is probably not a good idea mixing op a 32-bit and a 64-bit version on the same machine when you are going to use the interactive (OCX active-x) with Eguide and Base/Foundation on that machine.
It could work but also it could not work. I have never tried that and did not see any post on that. I am interested in what you are able to achieve.
For the java clients there is no Windows registry dependency. They can be deployed as a copy process. The SDW is complicating that, the advantage must be the SASHFADD tool usage.
After the installation changing that installation is done by files/programs located in that <sashome> location.
---->-- ja karman --<-----