ion Hi folks! After installing SAS 9.2 on linux 32-bit and running the file to test all of the modules, we keep getting an error on graph:tstgraph:testgrj
sasoq: The command failed to return the proper value.
Expected 0, actual RC was 2.
Has anyone seen this? if so, how were you able to resolve this?
There should be a SAS log file for the tstgraph job that gives more details for the non-zero return code. I would search through that file for the word error or warning.
Hello! SASKiwi, thanks for your help. I created a track and we discovered the issue was a corrupt or mis-permissioned templat.sas7bitm file. By renaming it, I was able to successfully run testgrj OQ scripts. Thanks!
Pleased to hear it has been solved. Sometimes SAS Support is the best channel for these types of problems.
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