Hi all,
I'm using SAS 9.2 TSM2 on HP-UX using SAS EG as client application. Currently I'm using LDAP to authenticate access to SAS EG. The Workspace Server is configurated with specific user in Launch Credential (user physically created on Unix), so all process are started with the same user id on server.
This configuration is easy to manteinace but has a big problem: it's not easy to identify who executes each process.
I understand it's possible continue to use LDAP for authenticate on SAS EG and create each user in Unix too. So, the Workspace Server will be started using the individual user id. My question are:
- how to configure the launch credential of SAS Workspace Server to use the user id of each on (previously created on Unix)?
- how to associate Unix's user id to LDAP user? Do I need to add the correspondence Unix's user id in "Accounts" tab at "User Properties" in SAS MC? If it's, I will have the two logins (LDAP and Unix ID) under "Accounts" tab for each user?