Hi SAS Communities,
Our LSF suddenly cannot schedule jobs and we already did a restart of the SAS and LSF services but still got the same issue.
When running the schedule now in SMC, it says flow has been successfully scheduled to run on Platform Process Manager but when logging in to flow manager it says exited.
On the JFD log, it shows like this
JFJobExecutionAgent::checkReturnStatus: Failed to execute command <"/sas/scheduler/lsf/10.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/bin//bsub" -J '5984:sasdemo:Test_flow:Test_Job' -o '/dev/null' -fid 5984 '/sas/config/Lev1/SASApp/BatchServer/sasbatch.sh -log /sas/config/Lev1/SASApp/BatchServer/Logs/Test_flow_Test_Job_#Y.#m.#d_#H.#M.#s.log -batch -noterminal -logparm "rollover=session" -sysin /sas/config/Lev1/SASApp/SASEnvironment/SASCode/Jobs/Test_Job.sas'>. Exited with <32256>.
It seems it cannot schedule on the batch server but it doesnt generate logs either..
This failure is saying Process Manager is trying and failing to run the command to submit a job using the LSF bsub command, getting back an exit code of 32256.
What happens when you try to run a bsub command outside of Process Manager as the sasdemo user? i.e. "bsub sleep 10" to submit a job that sleeps for 10 seconds.
"The components at work here are SAS Management Console, Process Manager (jfd) and LSF. SMC is a Process Manager client, telling Process Manager to run the flow. Process Manager does this by submitting the job(s) in the flow to LSF." -- yes this one is correct.
"When you say you can schedule on LSF in Linux, are you saying it works when running SMC from the Linux host, or when instructing the flow to run in Flow Manager, or are you submitting the same bsub command to LSF from the command line?" -- when submitting the flow on SMC it says successful but when we're seeing it on flow manager it says its exited.
The one I can schedule is bsub from the command line itself.
I have raise this to Technical Support, they enable debug and got this
JFJobExecutionAgent::_executeCommand: Unable to get JS_SU_COMMAND
JFJobExecutionAgent::_executeCommand: su command to execute </bin/su sasdemo -c /sas/scheduler/pm/work/tmp/JS_HjFO64
As per the IBM ticket, https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/job-submission-failed-different-error-codes. It says its because of the directory not having the executable permission but the noexec is not visible on the mount point of this directory and we tried to change also to another but same result..
We are still investigating on this
Hello @jbond007
I suggest checking up the permissions/acl on the directory. Possible discuss with the OS Admin,
We were able to resolve now this issue.
The reason behind the below error message is that /bin/su has only Read permission..
Whereas compared to our working environment, there is an read,write, permission. After update the permission we can successfully schedule the job smoothly.
Unable to get JS_SU_COMMAND
JFJobExecutionAgent::_executeCommand: su command to execute </bin/su sasdemo -c /sas/scheduler/pm/work/tmp/JS_HjFO64
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