This document can help you.
How to manually update the SharedServices dbmsowners password in PostgreSQL
For when the SAS administrator’s nightmare comes true, the SAS Passwords (for SAS platform) were lost, changed without record or while updating password, mistyped and now a new set of SAS “update Password” needs to run via SAS Deployment Manager. Problem, that process requires knowing the SharedServices password before update Password utility could be successfully run.
Follow these steps:
1. Edit <SASROOT>\SAS\Config\Lev1\WebInfrastructurePlatformDataServer\data\pg_hba.conf and change md5 to trust for "host all all all" (note 1st line is un-commented)
# IPv4 local connections:
host all | all | all | trust |
# IPv6 local connections: |
#host | all | all | ::1/128 md5 |
# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the # replication privilege.
#host replication dbmsowner all md5
#host replication dbmsowner ::1/128 md5
2. Reload the pg_hba.conf
cd /SASHome/SASWebInfrastructurePlatformDataServer/9.4/bin
./ -D config/Lev1/WebInfrastructurePlatformDataServer/data reload
3. Now change the password with psql
cd <SASHome>/SASWebInfrastructurePlatformDataServer/9.4/bin
./psql.exe -d SharedServices -U dbmsowner -p 9432
ALTER ROLE dbmsowner with PASSWORD 'newpassword';
1. Input above line to postgres cli, press enter then enter the new password.
\q (to quit)
Change the pg_hba.conf back and reload (steps 1 and 2).