How can we find out the list of jobs and timings for batch jobs that has been changed in last 8 days (ie: how many batch jobs are rescheduled or unscheduled ).
at the moment, I am checking manually by logging into flow manager for each flow and at running state as this is not ideal.
Process Manager stores all of its information in files in the JS_TOP/work directory. If you don't want to use the built-in clients (flow manager or the CLIs), you can also parse those files with SAS as in the example code I linked. Then you can filter however you like to get your desired output.
-- Greg Wootton | Principal Systems Technical Support Engineer
Hi , Is there any way to add piece of code (example code) which gives the user id of scheduled flow ?
What is the path for JS_TOP/Work ? or is there any way to know the path ?
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