Hi All,
We have so many ACT's applied on Folders in SAS Management console. Is there any code to retrive which folder the ACT's applied?
Thanks in Advance.
Hello @NagaKumar,
I don;t know which version of SAS you have installed, but in any case, there are many options for you:
- you can create your own code with the SAS interfaces to Metadata
- you can use pre-built tools as the Metacoda ( @MichelleHomes ) and get many other great additions.
- You can use the APM/ACM reports which can give you a good inventory of your metadata :
Thanks Juan for mentioning Metacoda Plug-ins.
I might also add that the Metacoda ACT Reviewer is one of the plug-ins that is available free-of-charge. As well as interactively showing the objects to which ACTs are applied it can also be used to export an HTML report as documentation for ACTs - how they are defined, where they have been applied, and how they have been protected.
With SAS 9.4 M3 you should have available all the latest updates to the SAS Environment Manager, and its Extended Monitoring (EMI).
Yoy can use the following code that will gives you where ACTs are applied :
data ACT (keep=id name PublicType location _created _modified );
length id $20 name PublicType $70 _uri $256 _modified _created $25 location _location $256;
length created modified 8;
format created modified datetime.;
call missing(id, _uri, name, _modified, _created, _location, PublicType);
do while(_n le _nobj);
_nobj=metadata_getnobj("omsobj:AccessControlTemplate?@Id contains '.'",_n,_uri);
do while (_tree>0);
if _tree > 0 then do;
location = '/'||location;
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