I am looking for a way of programatically determining whether an instance of SAS 9.3TS1M2 is the 32-bit or the 64-bit version.
I know that
will return the SAS version (i.e. 9.03.01M1P11022011), and that
will return the Operating System and its bitness (i.e. X64_7PRO)
However, I would like something that returns whether the SAS.EXE that is running is the 32-bit or the 64-bit version.
I cannot find a documentation reference to another automatic macro variable: SYSADDBITS so I am not sure if that is referring to the bitness of the OS or the bitness of the SAS.EXE that is running the SAS session.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this one? One thought I had was that the SAS session start-up messages may show this informaiton, but if it does, I'm not sure where it is lurking.
Downunder Dave.
It's another day in paradise down here today