I am getting below error with the pre-assigned library to register tables in SMC. If I remove pre-assigned library tick box in SMC then it is working fine not sure what is the issue.
it is a JDBC library
ERROR is showing it is not assigned but actually it is pre-assigned
libname rh_test list;
ERROR: Libref RH_TEST is not assigned.
You need to have the necessary permissions on the library object in metadata, otherwise the pre-assign can't be done when the workspace server starts with your userid.
I am getting below error see screenshot below(screenshot3 without pre-assigned libraray).
I have admin rights , When I selected pre-assigned ,I don't see the library in EG(screenshot 1) but if I remove pre-asign library tick box then I can see it from EG(screenshot 2)
screenshot 1:
screenshot 2:
screenshot 3:
I tested this approach and It works fine if I use display libname and copy that code into EG.(as it uses different credentials )
Back ground for this
This is a group JDBC library(so we have one user and password) so I created an authentication domain to use this library and created a group ( in the accounts tab is using authentication domain user )
and also setup JDBC server and setup JDBC connection.
I have added my user into this group,
Am I missing something
Also, double check you are not logging into SAS EG as an unrestricted user as unrestricted users cannot fetch valid stored login passwords from metadata (they always get 8 asterisks).
If I try to register a table it is working with unassigned library ( by unticking the assign library) that means it is extracting the correct credentials from the AUTH domain.but not working in SAS EG (ie right click on the library and then assign)
tried with normal user and it is not working for him either.
I am just thinking, it is not using jdbc engine name( SASIOJDB or JDBC) in the libaname statement see below
libname rh_test list;
should be like below ?
libname SASIOJDB rh_test list;
and If I try to assign metadata library ,I am getting below error
libname rh_test meta library=rh_test;
ERROR 22-7: Invalid option name OPT.
ERROR 22-7: Invalid option name :.
ERROR: Libref RH_TEST is not assigned.
ERROR: Error in the LIBNAME statement.
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