Hi, no it was done by a user w' sas administrators group membership.
We checked the TLS setting on the compute server, it was at 1.2, target DB is sql server 2016, so we downloaded the MS SQ Sever driver (17) that supports. The connection was successful.
- The user testing ran a libname against it was able to see tables. I need to check if registered tables appeared in SMC. However, in a new EG session the same user if expands the said library, sees table but could not access. The setup is very simple.
- 0 custom groups.
- permissions are SASUSERS > RM.
- Library is set w native engine
- No autoexec no hidden config. Zilch.
- Target DB set w NT authentication/AD so everyone is using their own set of credentials.
- Also it is ACCESS/MS SQL SRVR module.
- SYS DSN test to target DB also successful.
Like to jump off the first floor.