Today there was a strange issue in my Platform Process manager.
I tried to execute the job and the job got failed in the environment i.e. in Platform Process Manger.
When I'm checking the logs, there were no errors in the log and even the data has been loaded into destination as expected.
What could be a potential reason for showing exit in Platform Process manager.Thanks in advance
Hello @Helannivas,
first, I wonder if you have the option ERRORABEND enabled. Such option enables the SAS code to continue, even if it finds errors in a specific data step or procedure.
Second, I would check the log generated by your SAS code for that SAS job, including the log and lst files and the log from the Process Manager, say, lsb.events and such. Or the history of your job. What is the exit code for that job? That would give us more information.
Hi @Helannivas
I think you should look at the sasbatch.bat -file
Eg. :"E:\SAS\Config\Lev1\SasApp\BatchServer\sasbatch.bat"
As default it returns RC=1 if there is warnings in the sas-program. This will PPM interpret as an error.
To make it accept warnings and return 0, you should remove the REM statements in the last 4 lines of the sasbatch.bat-file
if %rc%==1 goto makenormalexit
exit /b %rc%
exit /b 0
You should consider the arguments in this discussion:
And if it's a WARNING, then clean up your code so that you don't get the WARNING on a proper run. WARNINGs are there for a purpose and should not be globally ignored.
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