Kannand SAS is only focussing on their SDW approach and ignoring the common in place deployment requirements.
Not matter what you are going into, this will always cause a lot of issues by misalignment.
As you should know a SAS installation is made up of two steps
a/ the installation that is were common deplyments tools like rpm could have their place
b/ the configuration (port dns and more) that is were comomon deployment tools are causing troubles
Ever seen a DBA RDBMS table definitions and table content getting deployed by RPM and the operational content of users be approved by change mangement? Of course not, that is is kafka like.
To start wiht Unix and SAS understand your user requirements as that level is already very bothersome because of endusers doing programming and data-processing. The unix world is often limited to run a router-like tool.
It are those processe needing the real attention to achieve something.
The bad thing is that SAS-institute is not really helpfull as of their misalignment to common IT processes (ITIL COBIT and more).
---->-- ja karman --<-----