Currently our SASMeta_MetadataServer.log log permissions are set to 600 .How can we set the metadata server log file permission to 644.
I tried to set the permissions in logconfig.xml in metadata server but it didn't help us as that file has Rolling log file with default rollover of midnight.
is there anyway we can set to 644 or please can you advise on this.
Ignore me.
It worked ,If I change logconfig.xml file
from <param name="FilePermissions" value="A::u::rw-,A::g::---,A::o::---"/>
to <param name="FilePermissions" value="A::u::rw-,A::g::r--,A::o::r--"/>
group and other should have "r--".
Thanks for your response and help.
If I change umask to 0022 in .bashrc then it is for all files which is created by sas installer account?
Ignore me.
It worked ,If I change logconfig.xml file
from <param name="FilePermissions" value="A::u::rw-,A::g::---,A::o::---"/>
to <param name="FilePermissions" value="A::u::rw-,A::g::r--,A::o::r--"/>
group and other should have "r--".
Thanks for your response and help.
The FilePermissions parameter is valid for the RollingFileAppender. Did you restart the Metadata Server after making the change?
SAS® 9.4 Logging: Configuration and Programming Reference - RollingFileAppender
Your example seems to indicate you are setting the permissions to 600 instead of 644. Here is the example from the documentation:
Example | The following parameter sets permissions that enable only the owning user to write to the log file. All other users can only read the file.
By setting up the permissions like this. It is only creating a file with 644 permissions after restarting metadata server but not giving the 644 permissions for every day logs.Any idea?
Our logs rotates every day(time-based ).
See below on 19th we restarted metadata server so it has given 644 but remaining logs it is with 600 only
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