I'm trying to test email alert and keep getting the next error, doing it via SMC in Active Server node
Here is error from log metadata server:
2021-02-03T13:37:15,020 DEBUG [00624345] 75545:username@company.co.ru - START Perf.ARM.IOM.OMI.Server.Refresh 2cdedc88 0 0
2021-02-03T13:37:36,458 ERROR [00624345] 75545:username@company.co.ru - An attempt to send an ALERT EMAIL to 'username@company.co.ru' has resulted in 'ERROR: The connection has timed out.'
2021-02-03T13:37:36,458 INFO [00624345] 75545:username@company.co.ru - Refresh return code=807feda6....
2021-02-03T13:37:36,458 ERROR [00624345] 75545:username@company.co.ru - An attempt to send an ALERT EMAIL to 'username@company.co.ru' has resulted in 'ERROR: The connection has timed out.'
2021-02-03T13:37:36,458 DEBUG [00624345] 75545:username@company.co.ru - STOP Perf.ARM.IOM.OMI.Server.Refresh 0 0
sasv9.cvg has settings:
-emailsys SMTP
-emailhost mail.company.co.ru.
-emailport 25
-emailid "SASMeta - Metadata Server (SASConfig - Lev1) <sas-ci-meta-t@company.co.ru>"
In omaconfig.xml file options EMAILALERT has the same email
In SMC Active Server
Sender of messages - sas-ci-meta-t@company.co.ru
Recipient of administrative messages - username@company.co.ru
What issue it could be?