Anyone know where the physical location of the .srx files, created in web report studio, are stored on the bi server?
My understanding is that it is stored on the SAS Content Server (WebDav), assuming you're on the latest version - otherwise in xythos?
You can try in this location of you webserver:
or Rightclick on the SAS folder properties in SASMC and Check for the WEBDAV location and Base path.
That helps.
I looked in the properties and noticed that webdav location is Checled and i get the location of the base path: /SASContentServer/repository/default/sasfolder.
But where can I find this actual directory using Windows Explorer on the server? would this be under C:\SAS\SASEBI\Lev1?
Check in this path...
Be sure to look on the machine where you have installed your webDAV Content Server. Typically the middle tier if you have multiple SAS machines. If you chose to use a database such as Oracle to host the Content Server (vs the file system), then you will have to look in the db....
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