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Lapis Lazuli | Level 10

Hi All, 


I am trying to add the multiple workspace server in our SAS server configuration and i am following the below link :-


But I am not able to identify the existing configuration directory so Is there a command to show me where the SAS configuration folder  is?



Is there a command that will give the configuration folder path ?


I have tried this  below is the proc option for config and output is below :-

13         proc options option=config;

14         run;

    SAS (r) Proprietary Software Release 9.3  TS1M2

CONFIG=( /sas/SASFoundation/9.3/sasv9.cfg /sas/SASFoundation/9.3/nls/en/sasv9.cfg /sas/SASFoundation/9.3/sasv9_local.cfg

/sascon/Lev1/SASApp/sasv9.cfg /sascon/Lev1/SASApp/sasv9_usermods.cfg /sascon/Lev1/SASApp/WorkspaceServer/sasv9.cfg

/sascon/Lev1/SASApp/WorkspaceServer/sasv9_usermods.cfg )

                   Specifies the name of an alternative configuration file


We request to tell us which configuration folder  need to select  in SAS deployment wizard which is mentioned below :- 


 Capturefor config directory.PNG


Do i need to select SASCON or SASCON/LEV1  or what ever it is taking default ?


Many thanks. 


Rhodochrosite | Level 12

From the SAS log you pasted /sascon is your Configuration Directory and Lev1 is your Configuration Level (environment).

Azurite | Level 17

Hello @MG18,


did you manage to make progress?


Thank you in advance,

Kind regards,


Lapis Lazuli | Level 10

Yes i have proceed with and made changes .


Can I get some url for Basic SAS administrator part ?


Azurite | Level 17

Hello @MG18,


sorry, I am not sure if I understood your question. What would you like to do/get?

Rhodochrosite | Level 12

If you are after general resources for SAS Administrators I would suggest starting at

More specifically read the extensive admin documentation at

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