Hi @gwootton ,
Thank you for all the help!
While attempting to access SAS Studio, I encountered the following error:
"A connection to the SAS Compute Server was unavailable."

I have checked the logs of the relevant components. see below:
A session has been requested for the context with the ID "9c1c50f9-33e1-43a2-b615-7ebad9c0d0b1".
caused by: org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException$NotFound: 404 : "{"errorCode":10580,"message":"The identifier values for USER \"sasboot\" were not found.","details":["traceId: 9e62dc6d6980982c","path: /identities/users/@currentUser/identifier"],"links":[],"version":2,"httpStatusCode":404}"
The compute session could not be created.
The documentation specifies that the SAS Viya platform supports only LDAP, Kerberos, and single sign-on methods for authenticating users who are signing in to the environment. Is it not possible to establish user accounts with passwords instead?
Could you please suggest on this?