I tried to submit a job in EG but getting below ERROR if I remove RSUBMIT it will work.
on 4th page from above link looks useful but not sure how to define a SASApp server in the lsf.shared file.
something like this
SASApp Boolean () () ()
27 28 %let RC = %SYSFUNC(grdsvc_enable(_all_,Server=SASApp)); 29 OPTIONS AUTOSIGNON; 30 RSUBMIT MySes1 WAIT=NO; NOTE: Remote session ID MYSES1 will use the grid service _ALL_. ERROR: An invalid grid resource was requested or the resource was not associated with any grid node. ERROR: A communication subsystem partner link setup request failure has occurred. ERROR: Could not start grid job or grid job failed. NOTE: Subsequent lines will be ignored until ENDRSUBMIT.
Yes, SASApp is missing in the resources. I have added SASApp to the resources and restarted. Now working fine
but on SMC
where can I find this option "This looks like you have something invalid configured in the SASApp grid server configuration in SAS Management Console under required resources"
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