I want to install additional Python package on SAS Viya to be used on SAS Intelligent Decisioning Python code files.
But still encountering this error "ModuleNotFoundError"
Had tried to follow this blog post but skip some parts and follow sections I deemed necessary for my case. Configuring SAS Viya for Python Integration
Here are the steps I have done:
- Created the change-configuration.yaml on this path ../site-config/sas-pyconfig. The permission is set to 777 for both the file and the parent folder.
- Here is the content of the file:
Set the global.enabled and global.python_enabled to true
Added the additional package cx_Oracle to default_py.pip_install_packages
apiVersion: builtin
kind: PatchTransformer
name: sas-pyconfig-custom-parameters
patch: |-
- op: replace
path: /data/global.enabled
value: "true"
- op: replace
path: /data/global.python_enabled
value: "true"
- op: replace
path: /data/global.r_enabled
value: "false"
- op: replace
path: /data/global.pvc
value: "/opt/sas/viya/home/sas-pyconfig"
- op: replace
path: /data/global.python_profiles
value: "default_py"
- op: replace
path: /data/global.r_profiles
value: "default_r"
- op: replace
path: /data/default_py.configure_opts
value: "--enable-optimizations"
- op: replace
path: /data/default_r.configure_opts
value: "--enable-memory-profiling --enable-R-shlib --with-blas --with-lapack --with-readline=no --with-x=no --enable-BLAS-shlib"
- op: replace
path: /data/default_py.cflags
value: "-fPIC"
- op: replace
path: /data/default_r.cflags
value: "-fPIC"
- op: replace
path: /data/default_py.pip_install_nobinary
value: "Prophet sas_kernel"
- op: replace
path: /data/default_py.pip_install_packages
value: "Prophet sas_kernel matplotlib sasoptpy sas-esppy NeuralProphet scipy rpy2 Flask XGBoost TensorFlow pybase64 scikit-learn statsmodels sympy mlxtend Skl2onnx nbeats-pytorch ESRNN onnxruntime opencv-python zipfile38 json2 pyenchant nltk spacy gensim cx_Oracle"
- op: replace
path: /data/default_py.python_signer
value: https://keybase.io/ambv/pgp_keys.asc
- op: replace
path: /data/default_py.python_signature
value: https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.13/Python-3.8.13.tgz.asc
- op: replace
path: /data/default_py.python_tarball
value: https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.13/Python-3.8.13.tgz
- op: replace
path: /data/default_r.r_tarball
value: https://cloud.r-project.org/src/base/R-4/R-4.2.2.tar.gz
- op: replace
path: /data/default_r.packages
value: "dplyr jsonlite httr tidyverse randomForest xgboost forecast"
version: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: sas-pyconfig-parameters
3. Edit the kustomization.yaml to include this file (last line).
4. Run the command:
kubectl create job sas-pyconfig-adhoc -n sas-viya --from cronjob/sas-pyconfig
5. Then did the testing on SAS Studio.
Currently stuck on this issue, I might have missed important steps. Thanks in advance.