we migrated from 9.2 to 9.4. We kept the same port for the metadata server. It means that users can still use the version 4.3 of Enterprise Guide to connect to SAS 9.4. Is there a way to prevent them to use this version and to force them to use the 7.1 version.
Thanks for your help.
Hi Simon and thank you for your prosposals.
I really like the first one but I can't find the version of SEG in the metadata server log.
Here is an extract of the log : the version is not in the appname.
2019-06-17T09:21:42,946 INFO [03394860] :ET20579 - New client connection (196810) accepted from server port 8561 for user ET20579. Encryption level is Credentials using encryption algorithm SASPROPRIETARY. Peer IP address and port are []:61449.
2019-06-17T09:21:42,946 INFO [03394860] :ET20579 - Request made to cluster SASMeta - Logical Metadata Server (A5N9E47B.AU000001).
2019-06-17T09:21:42,946 INFO [03394860] :ET20579 - Redirect client in cluster SASMeta - Logical Metadata Server (A5N9E47B.AU000001) to server SASMeta - Metadata Server (A5N9E47B.AV000001) at x.x.x.x:8561.
2019-06-17T09:21:51,195 INFO [03394890] :ET20579 - New client connection (196987) accepted from server port 8561 for SAS token user ET20579. Encryption level is Credentials using encryption algorithm SASPROPRIETARY. Peer IP address and port are [x.x.x.x]:64617 for APPNAME=SAS Workspace Server.
2019-06-17T09:21:51,195 INFO [03394890] :ET20579 - Request made to cluster SASMeta - Logical Metadata Server (A5N9E47B.AU000001).
2019-06-17T09:21:51,195 INFO [03394890] :ET20579 - Redirect client in cluster SASMeta - Logical Metadata Server (A5N9E47B.AU000001) to server SASMeta - Metadata Server (A5N9E47B.AV000001) at x.x.x.x:8561.
It's OK Simon. I will use contact the deskops admin.
Thanks again.
A brute force method would be to upgrade all SAS users to Windows 10. I don't think EG 4.3 runs on Windows 10.
That's brutal indeed
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