I'm looking for some help troubleshooting a SAS 9.4 x64 install failure. I keep having a failure during install right at the 'SAS Providers for OLE DB (64-bit, English)' stage. The logs are a bit cryptic for me and, while I can sort of figure out the problem, I'm not entirely confident I can narrow down a root cause and fix it. Can anyone help, please?
I've attached 5 of the 7 logging files that got created during the install that failed. Since this post only allows 5 attachments, I've ommitted the responserecord log file and the deploywiz log file. I can provide any additional information/files if necessary.
The errors appear to relate to failures updating the Windows Registry. Are you sure your username has admin rights on your PC?
I do have Admin creds on my development VM. I am running the install from cmd window run as admin. How were you able to suggest that the permissions in registry might be an issue?
I just received the same error message for a SAS 9.4M7 64-Bit install. Any updates?
If the install fails, there should be a popup message with details and the location of the log files.
Can you post it so that somebody may help.
I'm experiencing this same problem... Any help would be appreciated.
Looks like we are running "C:\WINDOWS\System32\regsvr32.exe", /s, "C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASProvidersforOLEDB\9.47\sasafloc.dll" which is failing with exit code 3:
2021-04-20 15:39:21 BatchRegistrationTask - attempting to register C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASProvidersforOLEDB\9.47\sasafloc.dll by executing ["C:\WINDOWS\System32\regsvr32.exe", /s, "C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASProvidersforOLEDB\9.47\sasafloc.dll"] 2021-04-20 15:39:21 BatchRegistrationTask - from C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASProvidersforOLEDB\9.47 2021-04-20 15:39:21 BatchRegistrationTask - register complete with exit value 3
Here is a SAS Note on that issue:
Problem Note 51956: SASComb.dll fails to register during the deployment process
Hi, This was a few years ago for me now, and I've since moved onto a different job, so I don't really recall exactly. I believe there were a few Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables that I installed, which got it working. But I'm really not 100% sure since it was during the rush to refresh the lab software loadset, and I had hundreds of other software titles to package and troubleshoot. I hope that helps.
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