This is my experience with setting up oracle on RHEL With SAS Access interface to ODBC.
(I had followed similar steps on SLES 11 )
Others may have different suggestions depending on their use cases.
Assuming you have installed SAS
1. Make sure that ODBC manager unixODBC is installed. Typically done by Unix/Linux Administrator.
2.Make sure that oracle client is installed. This is typically this is done by Oracle DBA. tnsname.ora etc are typically done by the ORACLE DBA's
3.Ensure that /etc/odbc.ini is configured. Oracle DBA provides the content. You may need the Linux admins help to edit this file. Typically SAS Admins cannot edit anything under /etc
4.Configure the sasenv_local file with LD_LIBRARY . ORACLE_HOME paths.
6.Make sure that access is allowed to the users from this server. Oracle DBA's do this.
7.Test connectivity from the Linux command line (sas -nodms). Once you are OK with this you can do the next steps.