Hi All,
I have licensed SAS/Access interface to Amazon redshift. I have installed in our environment.
Allso I have configured Teradata using odbc drivers. and for that I have installed unixODBC driver manager. I am able to connect Successfully
My doubt is, where i need to update the Data source name and connection details for Redshift. Is it in common odbc.ini file where I used for Teradata connection details or do i need to update in SAS Access Redshift driver install path. for ex /sas/sashome/Accessclients/9.4/Redshift under that I have odbc.ini.
I have updated all the connection details of Teradata and Redshift in single odbc.ini file and configured.
Tried to execute Libname statement for those connection entries. For teradata it is successfull. but for Redshift I am receiving Libname statement error. Please see the libname statement error below
libname redshift sasiorst server="redshiftserver.us-east-1.redshift.aws.com" DB=database name user=username password=pass;
ERROR: CLI error trying to establish connection: 523 630
ERROR: Error in the LIBNAME statement.
I think above error indicates that I am missing to set environment variable. I couldnt figure out the root cause of the issue.
[sas@ip-10-61-100-9 Redshift]$ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
[sas@ip-10-61-100-9 Redshift]$
Someone please help me to figure out the issue.