Any ideas will be helpfull!
We are upgrading our current Windows SAS 9.3 server to a Linux 9.4 environment. At the moment I use a Windows based scheduling application which starts a SAS job on the SAS server using the following command line:
c:\psexec \\[servername] -s "D:\Program Files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.3\sas.exe" -SASUSER 'F:\SASUSER\SchedulerSAS\' -SET MYSASFILES 'F:\SASUSER\Scheduler\' -autoexec "\\[file_server path]\" -sysin "[file_server path]\" -work "W:\SASWORK\Lev1" -log "S:\Scheduler\LOG"
I assume this will not work on our new Linux environment?
Thanks in advance for any sugestions