has anyone got the opportunity to read about the EV Manager Data Mart improvements, to make easier the management of the settings for their space? Great news for SAS Administrators!
SAS doesn't support changing the location of the EV Data Mart; however, you can emulate this by moving your Data Mart content to another location and then using a soft symbolic link from the official location to your alternate location.
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SAS doesn't support changing the location of the EV Data Mart; however, you can emulate this by moving your Data Mart content to another location and then using a soft symbolic link from the official location to your alternate location.
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thank you for your answer! Yes, I got a similar one before at the Global forum 2016. I can confirm that I tried and it works, also for the logs, altough it has some challengues, administration-wise.
Do you have any idea if it is planned a feature to change the location of logs and EVM Datamart?
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