I have an issue with a Repository that has no path. What probably happened is that someone eliminated the physical repository folder. The metadata for the deleted repository is still active and it is in an Admin STATE. I have accessed management console as an unrestricted user but cannot seem to repair, eliminate or unregistered the metadata object under metadata manager>>repository
I have attached screenshots to illustrate the errors.
I managed to Remove the Corrupted Project Repo by use Of Proc Metaoperate of the SAS® 9.4 Open Metadata Interface.
Here's my 2 cents worth. I have once ran into similar issues (with project repositories) and had to save the cake by using drastic measures. Drastic enough that I shouldissue warnings and dislaimers and tell you not to do this. And then you're on your own. So make backups! And then some more. And if the damage is such that metadata backups from management console don't work, make backups of your file systems while the server is stopped. Have a solid contingency plan. This is all assuming there is no chance of undoing the work of those (hopefully ex-)colleagues of yours that deleted the physical files of your repository.
Then use a datastep and the metadata_delobj() function on A0000001.A5C0JUSF (did I read that correctly?) to eliminate the occurrence of that wrecked repos. Then restart your server and see what's left.
There are other ways like creating a new repository, backing up the files (they are SAS datasets). Then remove the repos again and dive into those tables. Find the references to the now deleted repos and edit them into references to the lost repos. Now stick those datasets in the location that was deleted in the first place. Now you may be able to start the server and get rid of this repos once and for all. I recommend to not ever to use it.
I expect some flame from fellow admins and rightfully so. But desperate times call for desperate measures. And if someone has a way of getting things back on track without this then so much the better.
Good luck!
-- Jan.
@jklaverstijn I am currently heading towards the same path undesirable but now i will have to wait for our infrastructure teams decision.. I am following this issue to try recover from an earlier physical server backup...
Good luck with finding your data back; it's always your best bet.
I just figured out another way I couldn't possibly recommend:
Shut down your metadata server, make a backup of the repository manager data in <SASConfig>/Lev1/SASMeta/MetadataServer/rposmgr. Then use a SAS Base session to edit the table RPOSCTRL table in that location. Delete the record that refers to the lost repository. Restart the metadata server and hope for the best. A Metadata Analyse&Repair would be in order as a first step when (if) your server comes back to live.
-- Jan.
Hi @jklaverstijn and others following this thread.
I have tried what @jklaverstijn suggested - editing the repoctrl table - with the following observed results:
Proc SQL;
Delete from LibEx.rposctrl
where ID=A0000001.A5C0JUSF;
RESULT - unsuccessful
We Logged into SAS Management Console and found the registered damaged repository still present under the list of repositories. We have forwarded the issue to SAS Technical Support....
I first felt disappointment but then saw some hope. You say you paused and resumed the server. I'd rather stop and start instead. Just to make absolutely sure the underlying tables are released.
Anyways it is always a good idea to involve SAS tech support.
Hope this helps,
-- Jan.
I managed to Remove the Corrupted Project Repo by use Of Proc Metaoperate of the SAS® 9.4 Open Metadata Interface.
@CarlosSpranger thanks!! We were struggling for days!!
I looked up the syntax for Proc Metaoperate and it solved our issue!!
Here's the reference link: https://documentation.sas.com/?docsetId=lrmeta&docsetTarget=n1jgbwzbr4219bn19szcvulhi4h6.htm&docsetV...
Here's the code i ran:
proc metaoperate
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