We have some users who would like to connect a Windows Based SQL client software application to SAS using IOM and Java 11. I can get the connection to work using Java 8 and the com.sas.rio.MVADriver class but the client software comes with a bundled JRE for Java 11 and I am not sure how unstable the client will be for other database connections and if it will still be able to be updated automatically by the vendor if we force it to use Java 8.
I found this kb that talks to the issue I was seeing:
I tried the Workaround for Java 11 from the kb and it didn't work for me throwing this error:
Unable to return workspace. can't instantiate default ORB implementation com.sun.corba.ee.impl.orb.ORBSingleton
The GlassFish CORBA JAR file version I downloaded was 4.2.1 from April 2019. Maybe I need to try 4.2.0?
SAS Version: 9.04.01M5P091317.
Thanks for any input anyone has.