Hi All,
I intend to change the encoding from Wlatin1 to UTF-8. After a lot investifation , i came across a document that mentioned how same can be achieved:
As i have a unix environment, i added the "export SAS_COMMAND= $SASROOT/bin/sas_u8" line in the file WorkspaceServer_usermods.sh and restart the spawner. Unfortunately, since then I am unable to connect to the workspace server. Can someone please suggest what might have gone wrong and how i can switch to UTF-8.
Hi @jatin_singla
Just check there is no space in the declaration:
(As mentioned above by you)
export SAS_COMMAND= $SASROOT/bin/sas_u8
(No space)
export SAS_COMMAND=$SASROOT/bin/sas_u8
If it fails again then I would suggest to see if logging can be enabled for WS Server to get more details.
Other tips:
you can follow the steps here to create symlink to UTF-8 SAS.
And from @PaulHomes:
I would suggest you log on to the server and attempt to run the sas_u8 command line, with all of the parameters as shown in the SAS Object Spawner log, as a user that it fails for, to see if you get any additional details are provided to explain the failure (make sure you omit any -noterminal parameter for an interactive test).
If that doesn't highlight the issue then I'd suggest the next course of action would be to contact SAS Technical Support.
What errors are you seeing in your SAS Object Spawner log file (e.g. /opt/sas93/config/Lev1/ObjectSpawner/Logs/ObjectSpawner_2017-07-11_hostname_NNNN.log)?
Does the sas_u8 file exist in your $SASROOT/bin directory? e.g. /opt/sas93/sashome/SASFoundation/9.3/bin/sas_u8
The error is "Launch of server process failed with unknown status code (1)"
sas_u8 file does exist at the specified location.
It looks like you are missing the unicode SAS launch script (and possibly wider unicode support) from your SAS Foundation installation. Are you missing the unicode directory too? e.g. /opt/sas93/sashome/SASFoundation/9.3/nls/u8/
THanks for your response Paul.
The unicode directory is available at the location. Could you please suggest where I can find the unicode SAS launch script.
It should have been created when SAS was installed. Has somebody deleted it? This is the diff between my SAS 9.3 sas_en and my sas_u8:
< SASCFGPATH="!SASROOT/sasv9.cfg, !SASROOT/nls/en/sasv9.cfg, !SASROOT/sasv9_local.cfg, $SASCFGPATH"
> SASCFGPATH="!SASROOT/sasv9.cfg, !SASROOT/nls/u8/sasv9.cfg, !SASROOT/sasv9_local.cfg, $SASCFGPATH"
< SASCFGPATH="!SASROOT/sasv9.cfg, !SASROOT/nls/en/sasv9.cfg, !SASROOT/sasv9_local.cfg"
> SASCFGPATH="!SASROOT/sasv9.cfg, !SASROOT/nls/u8/sasv9.cfg, !SASROOT/sasv9_local.cfg"
You should be able to use that the recreate a sas_u8 script from the sas_en script (if you don't have one available from a backup). Of course there may also be other things missing in which case I would contact your SAS installer and/or SAS tech support and look into re-installing any missing components.
Hi Paul,
The sas_en and sas_u8 scripts are available in SASROOT/bin. I happen to check the 100 and 102 of both the scripts and it matches with your sas_en and sas_u8 files.
In that case I would suggest you log on to the server and attempt to run the sas_u8 command line, with all of the parameters as shown in the SAS Object Spawner log, as a user that it fails for, to see if you get any additional details are provided to explain the failure (make sure you omit any -noterminal parameter for an interactive test).
If that doesn't highlight the issue then I'd suggest the next course of action would be to contact SAS Technical Support.
Hi @jatin_singla
Just check there is no space in the declaration:
(As mentioned above by you)
export SAS_COMMAND= $SASROOT/bin/sas_u8
(No space)
export SAS_COMMAND=$SASROOT/bin/sas_u8
If it fails again then I would suggest to see if logging can be enabled for WS Server to get more details.
Other tips:
you can follow the steps here to create symlink to UTF-8 SAS.
And from @PaulHomes:
I would suggest you log on to the server and attempt to run the sas_u8 command line, with all of the parameters as shown in the SAS Object Spawner log, as a user that it fails for, to see if you get any additional details are provided to explain the failure (make sure you omit any -noterminal parameter for an interactive test).
If that doesn't highlight the issue then I'd suggest the next course of action would be to contact SAS Technical Support.
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