From the document you showed, one can not see whether you actually called the macros.
the code should look like:
%macro _startjob;
/* your code */
Also opening the Listing destination will not help, because SAS Enteprise Guide will generate code that closes all open destinations: (ods _all_ close;).
To collect the SAS Log there better alternatives then the Proc PRINTTO, because using Proc PRINTTO means, you will not see the SAS Log in SAS Enterprise Guide.
I suggest you have a look at the mentioned SAS Logging Facility, The App.Program logger is the one you want to use to capture the complete SAS Log of a session.
Have a look at this discussion as well https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Enterprise-Guide/Setting-log-level-for-the-workspace-server/td-p/...
Is your request just for SAS Enterprise Guide sessions, or any application using a SAS Workspace server?
If it is the latter, then have a look at the Logical Workspace Server options > Set Server Properties, there you can set a program to run at the beginning and at the end.
I would also have a look at the SAS Logging Facility, maybe you can get the information you need also out of a log.
At least "Refresh spawner". Just try and see...
Hi All,
Thank you for all the help.
I have done it and found that it does not do what I intended. Allow me to explain in
the attachment what happened and what I expected.
Thank you again.
From the document you showed, one can not see whether you actually called the macros.
the code should look like:
%macro _startjob;
/* your code */
Also opening the Listing destination will not help, because SAS Enteprise Guide will generate code that closes all open destinations: (ods _all_ close;).
To collect the SAS Log there better alternatives then the Proc PRINTTO, because using Proc PRINTTO means, you will not see the SAS Log in SAS Enterprise Guide.
I suggest you have a look at the mentioned SAS Logging Facility, The App.Program logger is the one you want to use to capture the complete SAS Log of a session.
Have a look at this discussion as well https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Enterprise-Guide/Setting-log-level-for-the-workspace-server/td-p/...
Thank you for all that help and made suggestions. Awesome stuff. Love this forum.
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