Thank you both for the responses. I tried re-creating the Depot and it didn't help. Opened a track already and the issue/solution suggested by SAS Rep that worked for me, is as below:
This error you're reporting is the result of the /tmp location running out of disk space during the hot fix installation:
/tmp/_setup24061/hotfixes/extracted/product_data/dcmcommid__A9H008__prt__xx__sp0__1/install.xml does not exist
If this is occurring during a standalone hot fix install or a new installation of SAS you may need to free significant disk space in /tmp, or when restarting the SDM or SDW use the -templocation option to specify an empty directory on a file system that has plenty of free disk space.
SDM: -templocation </alternate_directory>
SDW: -templocation </alternate_directory>