If you can provide a bit more info about your environment, like host opsys, SAS versions etc, then we can provide more targeted links.
For SAS 9 authentication I would start here: SAS 9.4 Intelligence Platform Security Administration Guide, How to Facilitate Authentication and for SAS Viya 2024.01 I would start here: SAS Viya Platform Authentication and Authorization
If you search for SAS authentication you will also find a bunch of SAS blog posts on the topic such as https://blogs.sas.com/content/?s=authentication. I would recommend reading posts by Stuart Rogers https://blogs.sas.com/content/author/stuartrogers/
I have also written a few SAS and AD related posts on my blog too: https://platformadmin.com/blogs/paul/tag/active-directory/
I hope these provide a good starting point. Let us know if there is anything more specific you are looking for.