HI Team ,
We had applied few hot fixes on development environment long back and AML application were working fine. SASServer8 stopped working due to below mentioned error :-
Error :-
[1/20/19 18:57:19:312 AST] 00000028 AdminHelper A ADMN1021I: An attempt is made to stop the SASServer8 server. [1/20/19 18:57:24:453 AST] 00000004 ApplicationMg A WSVR0217I: Stopping application: ibmasyncrsp [1/20/19 18:58:08:863 AST] 0000002c AlarmThreadMo W UTLS0008W: The return of alarm thread "Non-deferrable Alarm : 0" (00000004) to the alarm thread pool has been delayed for 49440 milliseconds. This may be preventing normal alarm function within the application server. The alarm listener stack trace is as follows: at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.component.WebContainerImpl.stop(WebContainerImpl.java:679) at com.ibm.ws.runtime.component.ApplicationMgrImpl.stop(ApplicationMgrImpl.java:1151) at
In order solve above , I have followed the below SAS note and now SASServer8 is working fine.
Note:- http://support.sas.com/kb/52/679.html which configure the JGroups in SAS® 9.3 to use the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
But We are not able able access any AML URL and no log are generating in Lev1/Web/Logs even after all Services are up and running .
Please help me in this if anyone has faced this kind of problem .Many many thanks in advance .