Hi everyone,
I would like to konw if it is possible to create bar plots (VBARS for example) and set up the width of the bars according to a variable (the relative abundance of each category).
To illustrate my question, here is a plot from this paper (http://bit.ly/1nC991b) (Figure 3b).
It is exactely the type of plot I need to do for a ungoing project!
"The width of the bars represents relative abundance and the black component indicates the proportion of generalist feeders within the whole community: the higher the bar, the greater the proportion"
Gámez-Virués, S., Perović, D. J., Gossner, M. M., Börschig, C., Blüthgen, N., de Jong, H., ... & Scherber, C. (2015). Landscape simplification filters species traits and drives biotic homogenization. Nature communications, 6.
Here is the (simplified) code for the plot I am working on:
Habit is a categorical variable with 2 values.
size is a categorical variable with 3 values
cate_col is a categorical variable with 2 values
FreqLFcol_cate is a table obtained with PROC FREQ
proc sort data=trait; by habit size;run; proc freq data=trait; by habit size; table cate_flo / out=FreqLFcol_cate ; run; proc sgpanel data=FreqLFcol_cate; panelby habit ; vbar size / response=Percent group=cate_flo grouporder=data groupdisplay=stack; rowaxis label = 'Percentage of species ' ; colaxis label = 'size '; run;
I would to set up the width of the bars according to the relative abundance of species in the "size" variable as done by Gámez-Virués et al. 2015.
Do you think it is possible in SAS?
Thank you very much for your advices!
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